You are a resonant being.
You are energy.
In these chaotic times it is easy to feel frustrated, angry, lost and unable to move forward.
You may feel confused and exhausted.
You may have a sense of something more, but can’t quite get a hold of what that is.
You may feel blocked.
Our bodies attune to the vibrations around us.
Sound can shift your frequency.
We have a right to be in our natural state of Calm, Peace, Clarity, Abundance and Joy.
These states are available to all of us. Just by shifting our frequency to resonate at a balanced and receiving state, we can experience these.
This is what sound can do. This is what I can help you do.
The sound experience I create is just for you. I help you open up your own channel, your own direct connection to what it is you need in that moment. That opening creates a feeling of expansion in the body, an opening of the heart to be able to receive what you need and desire and the great news is there is nothing you need to do! Because sound completely bypasses the mind, it unblocks, clears and rebalances you back to your natural resonate state of being.
Sound will be the medicine of the future.
~ Edgar Cayce
Combining 20+ years working with voice, sound and music with 10+ years of inner work and holistic training in different healing modalities, I can help you clear out stuck emotional energy, unblock your creativity and passion and rebalance your frequency and resonance so you can…
Know exactly what you want and how to receive it
Feel calm and at peace
Experience abundance
Complete clarity and strength in who you and the decisions you make
Love and connect to your amazing healthy body
About Me
When I tell people my story, it often raises an eyebrow that I have lived & worked in 12 different places in 6 different countries all before the age of 47.
It’s only now I realise I was soul searching, trying to find my true purpose.
When I started really listening to what my heart truly desired, I realised I had been abandoning myself and not realizing my true gift in being able to use my voice to help myself and to help others.
As soon as I found my real voice, I was able to stand in my truth and then everything changed for the better, destructive patterns were broken, old painful wounds were healed, relationships flourished and I knew who I wanted to be and what I needed to do.
It’s an ongoing journey, and a continuing practice to keep listening to and expressing what your heart truly desires, but it gets louder each time you do!
The road I’ve walked to get where I am today was long and included a career in the music industry. You can read my whole story here. I tell this longer story, the true story, so you can understand how I came to be doing what I do, what experience I have and how I can help you.
Certified Sacred Science of Sound, Crystal Alchemy Training, LA
Belinda Womack’s 12 Archangels Graduate Program for Healing Artists & Spiritual Illuminators
Certified CST 1 & CST 2 (CranioSacral Therapy) - Upledger Institute
Certified Essential Oils Coach - Essential Oil Institute, TN
Certified Sound Healing - Sage Academy of Sound, NY & John Beaulieu, ND.,Phd.
Member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner - Global Sciences Foundation
Certified Holistic Health Coach - IIN, NYC
Hormone Health Course Speciality - IIN, NYC
Certified Emotion CodeTM Practitioner - Dr. Bradley Nelson,
APPA (Auricular Protocol for Anxiety and Pain) Karen Charlesworth MBAcC, MSc - Northern College of Acupuncture, UK
Certified Music Tutor - London Metropolitan University

I know we're all constantly bombarded with emails, and I never want to be intrusive. But music and sound healing are passions that deeply fuel my purpose of helping others and contributing to a higher collective vibration.
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Monthly links to video sound healing remedies. Immerse yourself in soothing sounds designed for different needs, like relaxation or rejuvenation.
Discover inspirational resources, discounts, or collaborations with other change makers. Through spotlights on talented creators you can connect with other artists and voices spreading light and love.
First listens to my own music as it is released.
A free gift of a Sound Healing Meditation ‘Your Voice is YOUR Truth’ to help you open your Will chakra and speak & stand in your Truth.