World Sound Healing Day 2025

Welcome beautiful! Thank you for joining me for World Sound Healing 2025. I am so grateful & happy to help co-create Global Harmony with you.

I will be doing my signature channeled SoundAscending healing session, using voice Crystal Tones Alchemy Bowls, & a one of a kind OmChord, all at the frequency of 432hz, the frequency of Mother Gaia. The theme will be around Surrendering that which we cannot control, so we can let go of what is not serving us and focus on healing ourselves and our beloved planet.

I will record & send the session on the evening of Feb 13th so you have it ready for wherever you are in the world for the 14th. We will raise our vibration so we can help lift all humanity!

Sign up for the link below! Until then, enjoy my latest single, ‘I Surrender’ that helps us start the process of forgiving & letting go. Much love, Katy